Thursday, July 28, 2005

Random Kitty Picture

This little guy lives next door to Matt and Rachelle. He seems to be saying "I'm really shy, but I'm also insanely adorable! Peek-a-boo!" Unfortunately the dude who lives there is a bit of a Carl.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

What Not to Wear: Kitty Style

When you get right down to it, a cat only has one thing in his or her wardrobe: a collar. Unless, of course, someone really likes dressing them up in sweaters and detective caps or whatever, in which case I don't judge. But back to the collar. For over a year after gaining sole custody of sweet Corelli, I inflicted the poor kitty with perhaps the only fashion faux pas a cat can be subject to. An ID tag in the shape of a bone. If Clinton and Stacey schooled cats in What Not To Wear, surely poor Corelli would have been up for some cash and a trip to New York.

I'm sorry, Corelli. I'm sorry for, like, 18 months of bone-jingling prowling and bowl-clanging eating.

While I have since rectified the situation and you are now wearing a lovely circular medallion, here is your previous shame for the world to see.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

this is not my cat but i love him.

this mangy mc mangerson lives down the street from me, on the corner of willow + clifton. i pet him once the other evening and he's very friendly. just very old. he walks very slow with a limp and spends a lot of time sleeping on these dark brown steps. there is always a bowl of food and a bowl of water nearby for him. i know he is very loved, even though he is very old. i'd be very happy to have this cat for a friend.

Introducing: STELLA!!!!!!!!!!

This bitch with attitude convinced me with her eyes in January that she was "the one" for me. I've never had such a passive-aggressive
relationship with a cat before. Why just last
week she gave me a gift of two small poops
on my bed, a subtle hint that it was time to
clean her poo-palace after only two days of
non-cleaning. She only loves me in the morning,
and the rest of the day her attitude tends towards the, "oh, you're still here" mode. Whatever, I totally love her, and she occasionally jumps for joy when I walk in the room.

Friday, July 22, 2005

A Day In The Life of Mr. Tiggs

Now that you have met Tigger you're probably wondering what this fine feline specimen does with his time all day. To answer this question, I present the following photo essay. With captions!

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Figure 1. Bigmouth's day starts off with many plaintive meows for his breakfast. He would have you believe that the photo Just A Lame posted of him begging for food was an isolated case. Not true.

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Figure 2. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture Pukebreath's other morning routine--that of eating his breakfast so fast that he promptly throws it back up again on the floor. No, not on the rug! Do it on the hardwood floor!

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Figure 3. After a satisfying binge and purge, Stinkbottom likes to mellow out by listening to some of his favourite music. Tigger says, "Superchunk sucks!"

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Figure 4. "I want to go outside now. Let's go outside. Did you hear me? I really think it's time we went outside. We should go outside right away!"

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Figure 5. "I said, I want to go outside NOW! I MEAN IT! LET ME OUT! GRRRRRR!"...Hey Whinypants, you behave. None of that sasstalk. I think you need a timeout. And you know what that means, right?

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Figure 6. Right! Now you stay in the pantry cupboard until you learn to talk civil. That's better.

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Figure 7. Okay Tiggs, let's go outside and play! Hey, that's not playing; you're just lying around doing nothing! You could have done that inside!

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Figure 8. C'mon Lazybum, we'll be late for the game! The team is counting on you to play shortstop! Let's go!

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Figure 9. One more trip to the backyard for playtime. Don't eat the poisonous berries!

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Figure 10. Checking e-mail one last time before bed. Sorry Sadsack, no e-mail for you! Because nobody likes you!

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Figure 11. Bedtime kisses for Tiggs.

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Figure 12. Goodnight Tigger!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Scout likes to jump off the walls.

Maybe that is just what cats do. I don't really know because I've never had a cat before. Does your cat jump off the walls, and do flips? I'm starting to think that it is because she is going crazy from boredom, now that my roommates have gone and it's just me.

Elliot do you wanna be friends with Scout? Look how CUTE she is! She's so cute! I know you wanna!

This week I'm going to get her a leash and maybe, if Team Willow approves, Scout and Elliot could be the bestest of friends. Or at least meet just once.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

elliot is a cute, but bad kitty.

elliot has no proper scratching post. he scratches with abandon on the corner of the couch, which has succumbed to his merciless abuse and started disintegrating into 40-year old foam bits and unravelling strings that get strewn all over the house. since he's one of the smartest kitties i know, he realised that it's just not working anymore and has started taking advantage of all the exposed window screens by grabbing ahold and stretching that way. i know it works better because each claw has an individual hole to latch onto, thus making the stretch more enjoyable given that there is no threat of becoming detached. therefore, there are several newish, bigger-than-normal-screen holes in one of our windows. how do you train a year-old cat to start using a scratching post?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Live together in perfect harmony...

Do I know you?

If so, please adopt Ebony. I would like to visit you and play with your cat.

BECAUSE SHE IS ADORABLE! Look at that pink collar! Look at that angry glare! ADORABLE!

You - cat lover/friend of mine - need this cat. Please see the Paws to Purr link in the below post to adopt. DO IT.

Thank you for pointing out these Halicats, Jessica.

Paws to Purr

This is the well-named Spooky.

She's up for adoption from the Paws to Purr Kitty Rescue in Halifax. Click the link below if you can handle mass amounts of adorable kittens.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

More Cute, Less Not Cute!

Tigger says the photo I published earlier makes him look "desperate" and has requested I post a more flattering shot of him. What Tigger wants, Tigger gets. Here he is looking friggin' adorable as he naps on my pillow.

Feed Me Now

This is Tigger, begging at the fridge. In addition to frequently not responding when you call him "Tigger" (a name bestowed upon him by the SPCA staff), he also ignores the following: Mr. Fat, Tiggs, Tubbs, Stink, Stop Eating That and Get Off That Right Now. If you speak in a loving voice, and possibly have food, he will acknowledge "kitty."

When you are a bad parent and stay out for too long (more than an hour), he will sometimes poo outside of the box, but only when you are right there to witness him creating his "masterpiece." He likes to nap in the sock drawer and hates it when you touch his tummy. He isn't the smartest cat on the block, he whines a lot and he can be rather clumsy. Lately he is into suntanning and eating flies. He'll talk your face off if you let him.

In other words, he is perfect (or should that be "purr-fect"?) and I adore him with all of my heart. To borrow from Stephen Morrissey: "You're the one for me, Fatty, you're the one I really, really love!"

The Cat Who Said Cheese

Yesterday was our last sewing class. Sadly, Melissa couldn't make it - she was putting the final edits on the fabulous kitty Popped Culture.

Our sewing room doubles as a senior's lounge, and houses the city's largest Harlequin collection. I stumbled upon a Reader's Digest print of The Cat Who Said Cheese by Lilian Jackson Braun. This tale of two detective cats, Koko and Yum Yum, reminded me of Purrlock Holmes.

Okay, I just wanted to post about sewing.

Monday, July 04, 2005

i, too, fancy cats.

melissa, jessica and peek pretty much reported verbatim what i was going matter, the kitties were ridiculously cute. if you think you've seen cute, you haven't seen cute. these guys were super cute.

my favorite kittie was lambchop. this kittie is a selkirk rex. he had a squooshy face like a persian, coloring like a siamese, but he had short, curly hair. come on, how much cuter can you realistically get?

on top of this, though, was his burberry-inspired bedding/boudoir. in fact, many boudoirs could rival what i imagine queen elizabeth's boudoir to look like. if, that is, i were to imagine her boudoir.

in any case, we'll be cutting our journalistic chops tonight at 5.30 on ckdu to kick of the new season of popped culture.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

... and then my head exploded

so many kitties in one place was completely overwhelming. the dartmouth cat show made me more determined than ever to own many many kitties. some day i will have a glorious ranch to house them all.

this is a photo of me with cadbury, one of our favourites of the day. he didn't win in his kitten division--a sure sign that the judging was rigged. this sort of cat is called an exotic shorthair. the breed was established in america by breeding a persian and an american shorthair. you can recognize them by their smushed up faces and stunned expressions.

when i have recovered more from kitty overload perhaps i will post more about our day in the land of cat fanciers.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Cat Show Radio

My heart is still fluttering from all the excitement today at the cat show.
I don't own a cat, but I do love the kitties. You could call me a fancier (with a lower case 'f').

We didn't have much luck capturing 'meows' for the microphone, but it did make for some squeal-worthy adorable photos. I fully expect us to win radio awards for our hard-hitting journalism.

I've also included a picture of the judging procedure (kitten 'all breeds' category) . FUN FACT: Competing cats can earn 5 points for having a "sweet expression." Fabulous.

Cat Show!

Laura, Francesca, Jessica and I went to the 7th Annual Cat Fancier's Association Cat Show at the Dartmouth Sportsplex today.

More pictures will be trickling in over the next little while, and you can hear audio and exciting interviews from the Show on Popped Culture on Monday, July 4 at 5:30pm on CKDU.

So many adorable kitties!