Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Feed Me Now

This is Tigger, begging at the fridge. In addition to frequently not responding when you call him "Tigger" (a name bestowed upon him by the SPCA staff), he also ignores the following: Mr. Fat, Tiggs, Tubbs, Stink, Stop Eating That and Get Off That Right Now. If you speak in a loving voice, and possibly have food, he will acknowledge "kitty."

When you are a bad parent and stay out for too long (more than an hour), he will sometimes poo outside of the box, but only when you are right there to witness him creating his "masterpiece." He likes to nap in the sock drawer and hates it when you touch his tummy. He isn't the smartest cat on the block, he whines a lot and he can be rather clumsy. Lately he is into suntanning and eating flies. He'll talk your face off if you let him.

In other words, he is perfect (or should that be "purr-fect"?) and I adore him with all of my heart. To borrow from Stephen Morrissey: "You're the one for me, Fatty, you're the one I really, really love!"


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