Monday, July 04, 2005

i, too, fancy cats.

melissa, jessica and peek pretty much reported verbatim what i was going matter, the kitties were ridiculously cute. if you think you've seen cute, you haven't seen cute. these guys were super cute.

my favorite kittie was lambchop. this kittie is a selkirk rex. he had a squooshy face like a persian, coloring like a siamese, but he had short, curly hair. come on, how much cuter can you realistically get?

on top of this, though, was his burberry-inspired bedding/boudoir. in fact, many boudoirs could rival what i imagine queen elizabeth's boudoir to look like. if, that is, i were to imagine her boudoir.

in any case, we'll be cutting our journalistic chops tonight at 5.30 on ckdu to kick of the new season of popped culture.


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