Now that you have met Tigger you're probably wondering what this fine feline specimen does with his time all day. To answer this question, I present the following photo essay. With captions!
Figure 1. Bigmouth's day starts off with many plaintive meows for his breakfast. He would have you believe that the photo Just A Lame posted of him begging for food was an isolated case. Not true.
Figure 2. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture Pukebreath's other morning routine--that of eating his breakfast so fast that he promptly
throws it back up again on the floor. No, not on the rug! Do it on the hardwood floor!
Figure 3. After a satisfying binge and purge, Stinkbottom likes to mellow out by listening to some of his favourite
music. Tigger says, "
Superchunk sucks!"
Figure 4. "I want to go outside now.
Let's go outside. Did you hear me? I really think it's time we went outside. We should go outside right away!"
Figure 5. "I said, I want to go outside NOW! I MEAN IT!
LET ME OUT! GRRRRRR!"...Hey Whinypants, you behave. None of that sasstalk. I think you need a timeout. And you know what that means, right?
Figure 6. Right! Now you stay in the pantry cupboard until you
learn to talk civil. That's better.
Figure 7. Okay Tiggs, let's go outside and play! Hey, that's not playing; you're just lying around doing nothing! You could have
done that inside!
Figure 8. C'mon Lazybum, we'll be late for the game! The team is counting on you to play shortstop! Let's go!
Figure 9. One more trip to the backyard for playtime. Don't eat the
poisonous berries!
Figure 10. Checking e-mail one last time before bed. Sorry Sadsack, no e-mail for you! Because
nobody likes you!
Figure 11. Bedtime
kisses for Tiggs.
Figure 12. Goodnight Tigger!