Wednesday, April 11, 2007

cat friendly pest control

i'm moving into a new apartment that is apparently known for it's mouse problem. i'm looking for some ways to minimize this problem.
i've got peppermint teabags lying around, steel wool stuffed in visible holes, and cat safe traps in my bathroom.
i was wondering about those sonic things that you plug in and the sound bothers mice. does this effect other animals as well?

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i want my little edie to be comfortable as possible


Blogger Evil Robot Boy said...

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8:27 AM  
Blogger Evil Robot Boy said...

I've used the plugin noise makers in the past and cats have never had a problem with them. I believe that they work at frequencies that are too high for even a cat or dog to hear. You can always plug one in with Edie around and see if her ears perk up or if she does anything strange, but I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.

But, you may not even need to use one; often once a cat moves into a house, the mice move out because they know they are threatened. Try it without a plug-in noise maker for a couple of weeks to see if the mouse problem dies down.

8:29 AM  
Blogger .francesca said...

peppermint teabags? this works? i've never heard of this! exciting news!

6:27 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I think the responsibility of mouse control should fall to Edie. Edie, it's time to step up and get those paws dirty.

9:09 PM  
Blogger amy v said...

and update:
i've lived in the new apartment for a few weeks. i have been mouse free. edie hasn't even had to kill any.
the peppermint tea bags are working perfectly. for anyone interested, here's what i did:

i bought a bunch of little satin bags. i put 10 drops of peppermint essential oil on each teabag, put them in the satin bags and hug them next to perspective mouse holes. works like a charm!

6:29 PM  

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