Sunday, March 12, 2006

Confuse a Cat

Multipet Bada Beam is a futuristic cat toy that shoots laser beams on your floor, and promises to engage cats for hours on end.

It seems that inventors have had it out for cats long before the invention of laser beams. For example, check out Athanasius Kircher's catoptric theatre. The inventor of the cat piano came up with a hall of mirrors designed to madden felines:

"You will exhibit the most delightful trick if you impose one of these appearances on a live cat, as Fr. Kircher has done. While the cat sees himself to be surrounded by an innumerable multitude of catoptric cats, some of them standing close to him and others spread very far away from him, it can hardly be said how many capers will be exhibited in that theatre, while he sometimes tries to follow the other cats, sometimes to entice them with his tail, sometimes attempts a kiss, and indeed tries to break through the obstacles in every way with his claws so that he can be united with the other cats, until finally, with various noises, and miserable whines he declares his various affectations of indignation, rage, jealousy, love and desire. Similar spectacles can be exhibited with other animals."


Blogger Jess said...

To Do:
1. Get this toy.
2. Get a cat.
3. Cancel cable.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Hey laura, we should definitely hang out. Here is an adorable cat and dog movie. It's so cute it makes me want to rip my eyes out.

2:59 PM  

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